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第十三届北京国际电影节音频:进度条00:00 03:36 后退15秒倍速 快进15秒

9大主体板块 15部入围影片

This year's festival has nine main events including the "Tiantan Award", an Opening Ceremony and the Beijing Film Panorama, as well as additional events and activities. Yu Junsheng, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the BJIFF Organizing Committee.


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1,488 films were submitted for the "Tiantan Award", and 15 of them were shortlisted, representing new production global trends in the film industry. Jury will select winner in 10 categories. Over 200 Chinese and foreign guests will be invited to attend the Red Carpet event before the Opening Ceremony. The opening film is the Beijing Winter Olympics official film "Beijing 2022".




This year's Beijing Film Panorama will showcase over 160 excellent domestic and foreign films that will be screened in 27 cinemas from April 20 – 29. 12 restored classic films, 8 masterpieces from Warner Bros. such as the Shawshank Redemption and Casablanca, as well as 45 films recommended by major international film festivals will be screened. The VR section will be upgraded into an XR section, introducing cutting-edge technology and innovative elements in the world of cinema. Lin Siwei, Deputy Secretary-General of the BJIFF Organizing Committee, has this to say.

4月20日至29日,“北京展映”将精选160余部中外优秀电影作品,在27家合作影剧院进行集中放映共享影视推荐苹果版。其中,精选了中外佳作包括《双峰:与火同行》《胭脂扣》等12部经典影片修复版;《肖申克的救赎》《卡萨布兰卡》等8部“华纳百年”佳作以及近两年各大国际电影节展官方推荐作品约45部。同时,今年“北京展映”VR虚拟现实单元将全新升级为“XR(扩展现实)单元”, 引入世界电影前沿科技与创新元素。

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The highly anticipated shortlisted films for the “Tiantan Award” and all nominated films of “Forward Future” will be available during the screening period. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the “Belt and Road” initiative. 10 new films produced in Asian countries along the Silk Road will be shown. Representative works by Zhang Yimou, chairman of the jury of the "Tiantan Award", will be reviewed in the "Special Screening" section. The "Master Review" section will offer fans a chance to watch movies by Japanese director Seijun Suzuki.

备受瞩目的“天坛奖”入围影片和“注目未来”所有参选影片都将会在展映中对公众开放共享影视推荐苹果版。2023年是“一带一路”倡议提出十周年,“北京展映”特别策划了“丝路十年 联想未来:电影亚洲连线”主题,放映10部“丝绸之路”沿线国家出品的最新影片,展现难得一见的亚洲电影创作力量。“特别放映”单元将举办本届“天坛奖”评委会主席张艺谋先生的作品回顾。“大师回顾”单元我们将放映已故日本电影大师铃木清顺的作品。

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Huo Zhijing, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the BJIFF Organizing Committee, said the festival has six highlights. It will fully resume offline activities, gather a large number of Chinese and foreign guests, and have a strong lineup of judges.


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We have further improved the selection process for the "Tiantan Award", events and forums to reach an international level. The films nominated for the "Tiantan Award" are from 93 countries and regions, 80% are foreign films. The film forum will invite domestic and overseas influential guests to discuss the utilization of films in telling China’s stories. Thailand, the country of honor, will send a film and television delegation to attend the event in Beijing. We will deepen the long-term cooperation with other film festivals and institutions such as the Hanoi International Film Festival in Vietnam.


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标签: 国际电影节 北京 看点 这里 原创

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2023-04-05 07:38:51

2部经典影片修复版;《肖申克的救赎》《卡萨布兰卡》等8部“华纳百年”佳作以及近两年各大国际电影节展官方推荐作品约45部。同时,今年“北京展映”VR虚拟现实单元将全新升级为“XR(扩展现实)单元”, 引入世界电影前沿科技与创新元素。北京国际电影节组委会副秘书长林思玮:The highly antici